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Studying For The CCNA (ICND2)

I just cleared my ICND1. So it is time to finally get my CCNA.

I'm going to follow the same method of studying I did for the CCENT.

1. CBT Nuggets

I trust Jeremy Cioara to keep me motivated throughout the whole course. I am going to continue studying with CBTNuggets. If I think I need some other video course, I will buy the David Bombal course on Udemy.

2. Official Cert Guide by Wendell Odom

 The OCG for the ICND1 was absolutely amazing. There is so much information that you'll get lost in it. I am going to continue with this book as I need the knowledge.

3. Boson Ex-sim

This was the reason I passed the CCENT. I am going to buy the exma for the CCNA too. I love their explanations and it will give me a real exam experience and I can judge myself when I take their exams.

Hopefully, I get CCNA certified before December. That is the GOAL. I want to complete the certification before my semester exams in college. 

Thanks for reading!



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