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What I Am Doing This Summer?


My summer holidays have started. I just completed my first year of college. I'm glad its done.

Here is my plan for the Summer:

1. Finish the Official Cert Guide

I am going to finish reading the CCNA Official Cert Guide by Wendell Odom.
This will take me about a month and I would have finished studying for the CCNA by the time the next academic year starts.

LAB EVERYDAY. I will have to practice for the CCNA using labs and practice exams.

2. Python 

  • Finish the Automate The Boring Stuff With Python video course and book.
  • Finish the Python Mega Course:Build 10 Real World Applications video course.
  • Learn important modules and libraries
  • Build a couple small projects and 1 big project(self).
  • Use Git to save and control repositories.

3. TRY and learn the basics of JavaScript

Thanks for reading! 



  1. Anonymous13 July

    Hey, I've been reading your blog for a while and I have to say, this is very inspiring. I hope you achive what you want. I've been struggling myself, I have a law background in GDPR audit (europe) and ISO but I wan't to pursue my career in cybersecurity. I was always fascinated with technology, but now I'm starting from scratch and certification is a way to go for me. Keep up the good work!

    1. Hey, thanks for reading the blog! We can help each other! Is there any way I can message you?


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