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How to learn Python for Cybersecurity

Programming has become essential to cyber security.

IT security professional must efficiently write applications and scripts; often on short notice. 
The Python language provides unmatched ease, flexibility, and functionality for both new and experienced coders. It has emerged as a top choice for cyber security professionals because it lessens development effort and the coder’s learning curve.

Hackers, penetration testers, and other security experts need a language library that provides the entire spectrum of features to create powerful and often novel programs. 

Python comes with modules to support Web activities such as parsing HTTP and XML and building clients. Django and other open-source Web frameworks are available from developers favoring the rapid application development methodology. Third-party modules offer robust features, such as optimized calculation handling, that make Python an increasingly solid language for data applications.

Python’s simple and clean structure, modular design, and extensive library make it ideal for security applications. Cyber experts rely on the capability to rapidly code programs and the feature set to implement new strategies and techniques. No other language offers as powerful a combination, and Python stands as the must-know language for the serious security professional.

Hope you understood this clearly.

So, How do You learn Python?

For Free:

1. Codeacademy

This is a free way to learn python. It is also very effective.

2. Python Website

This is the official python docs. It is really helpful and you can learn from it too. But you will face a lot of problems and you might not understand some concepts.
I suggest you to use YouTube for the concepts you don't understand.
Here are to playlists on YouTube that are pretty useful:


1. Udemy


Udemy is the easiest and best way to learn python. But you will have to pay for the course.

Complete Python Bootcamp by Jose Portilla

These are some amazing videos which cover every topic and is explained very nicely.
I recommend this first if you can pay for it.

2. Books


Books are my favorite way to learn Python. Here are some recommended books! :

So, now what?

Now you want to use that Python knowledge for your InfoSec/Cybersecurity career. 

Solid Tip: Learn networking with Python.

Thanks for reading,



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